Building resilience, development and equality into the post-COVID recovery 29th June 2020 In April 2020, IRENA released its Global Renewables Outlook: Energy Transformation 2050. Read article
The Outlook for Renewables in a Changing Climate for Fossil Fuels 25th June 2020 The Energy for Recovery series of events will focus on the challenges and opportunities brought about the covid-19 pandemic for the UK energy sector. Read article
Harnessing Our Power 23rd June 2020 This month sees communities across the country come together to mark Community Energy Fortnight. Read article
How the Crisis Has Offered a Glimpse Into the Future of Energy 23rd June 2020 On Wednesday 10 June, Britain hit a significant landmark, going for two full months without burning coal to generate electricity – the longest period since the Industrial Revolution. Read article
Security in Renewables 22nd June 2020 We’re currently witnessing one of the greatest challenges ever to face the UK economy. Recent figures show the economy shrank by 20.4% in the first full month of lockdown, and every sector has felt the strain. Read article
Decarbonising Heat post-Pandemic 19th June 2020 As we emerge from lockdown, one of the few things which won’t have changed is meeting net zero emissions by 2050. Read article
Powering the Recovery to Net Zero - Responsibilities, opportunities and challenges facing the UK energy industry 18th June 2020 The Energy for Recovery series of events will focus on the challenges and opportunities brought about the covid-19 pandemic for the UK energy sector. Read article
Electric Mountains: Pumped Storage & Cruachan 2 15th June 2020 We held a timely discussion about the role of Pumped Storage in grid stability during the energy transition, with a special presentation David Ball, Development Director from Drax about their plans to expand Cruachan 2. Read article
Recovering Progress on Energy Efficiency 15th June 2020 The coronavirus pandemic continues to wreak havoc on our lives. But amid the social and economic turmoil there is a small chink of light. Read article
Turning up the heat on Energy-from-Waste 09th June 2020 The United Kingdom currently employs around sixty Energy-from-Waste (EfW) plants providing a vital sanitation service to society, while diverting non-recyclable waste from landfill and generating energy - a significant proportion of which is deriv Read article